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Interview with Get Up To Move founder and director Neil Whyte

Updated: Mar 20

Why did you start 'Get up to move'?

"I feel i am in the minority, possibly even the extreme minority, of health and fitness professionals who believe and understand how movement is absolutely critical to human wellness. Food and supplements have become the driving force in wellness in the 21st century, whilst movement and exercise gets pushed aside. And that is because there is usually much more accumulative money to be made in supplements and diets than there is in exercise.

I strongly believe that movement, or the lack of, is the biggest reason why we have gained weight and also movement is the most powerful thing anybody can do for their health. It is more powerful than any food or drug. There is no drug that has the same positive effect on health as movement. Research has shown about a 15% decrease in all cause mortality when a person goes from doing nothing to about 90 min of exercise in one week.

Get up to move is much more than understanding the truth about weight management - it is to help people understand the critical reason why you must move. And this leads me to the most important goal which is to encourage people to incorporate movement into their daily lives...just like the way it was prior to the 21st century. This is how people stayed a healthy bodyweight. Most people have to do this as they are not a part of a sports club or going regularly to the gym.

We offer a comprehensive private consultation to address a persons lifestyle, fitness and environment, which in turn sets the wheels in motion with a concrete plan to be in control of a healthy lifestyle again."

What are your main issues or concerns with weight management?

"There is a huge psychological component to personal health and fitness. And the people selling their weight loss products know it.

The conflicting information is horrendous. People are confused. Go stand at any major bookstore in the health section to witness the numbers of health books and to be confused at which one to buy. And people are confused with so much conflicting information.

In the 21st century we now have unqualified people acting as experts on social media, podcasts, You tube and so forth...who can't actually back up their claims with credible science backing.

Take 'saturated fat' for example. Even though it is irrefutably clear via many direct tests and randomized controlled trials that excess saturated fat contributes to reduced cardiovascular health, there are many people claiming that there is no evidence that saturated fat causes any harm and that there is no evidence, and they blame carbs, sugar etc.

We learnt about the health concerns of Saturated fats back in the 20th century - this is nothing new. However, people promoting radical diets and challenging scientific evidence 'is new' and so are their unscientific claims.

The confusion is actually a part of the whole industry - to make people try something else because the last one didn't work. The same applies for the fitness industry where people have purchased fitness equipment for the home, only to eventually be seen on the roadside pick up collection. But 2 years later they will try something else.

Nearly all of the time people are seeking a 'quick fix' in the 21st century. We have absorbed and immersed ourselves in this modern world by believing the 'time poor' notion. In addition we are seeking the fast weight loss solution, the pill from the medical system to manage disease and seeking ways to make our lives easier and easier with the latest technology gadget.

However, we are losing touch with our conscious self - of being a human - what it means to be human - what it means to stay consistently healthy and fit as a human. The 21st century is doing it's best to remove people away from being a human being. It is every person's responsibility now to restore balance back in their life again - and to take back their life, to extend their life compatible with quality living, or 'Health-span.'

Every person needs to look at the link provided in our resources section with Ruben Meerman explaining about fat loss. And anyone can understand this basic fact of fat loss.

The concerning aspect is exactly what Ruben points out , that they surveyed 150 Doctors, nutritionist and fitness trainers, and were asked how fat leaves the body, and only a few actually knew. To me this is the most shocking evidence of all with regard to the state of the weight loss industry.

So now imagine all the social media weight loss product sales pitches, influencers, fitness trainers, Doctors etc etc - trying to sell the public their 'proven' and 'scientifically backed' weight loss strategies. Yet more than 95% of them don't actually understand how fat leaves the body.

We know that the current system doesn't work. We have a staggering growing number of people since the late 20th century gaining weight or developing medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure etc. Diets don't work, period. Don't do it. And avoid following extreme dieting fads because people who live the longest and healthiest don't do any of these diets - or change from one to the next after a few months.

Surgical weight loss procedures, or even non surgical such as gastric balloons, are not recommended. There are always risks and it does not address the fundamental issues that surround weight management."

So what do people do? How can they get their health back in the 21st century?

Our approach is unique. We are attempting a new strategy where people have to reintroduce more movement back into their daily life - exactly the way it was in previous centuries. People in previous centuries were slim. Why? Because they moved a lot more. No, it is not the food that is the problem because food has always been here. What we have lost is movement as we are far more sedentary now than any other time in human history. One really need to think about that.

The only way I believe it is possible for any modern wealthy city of the 21st century to achieve the bodyweight average of previous centuries is to encourage ' lifestyle movement' including an infrastructure to support this to happen. We need a new mindset to 'ride, walk or even run to work or study' and not 'the car only' mentality. We need more motor vehicles to be used for recreational purposes mostly( or exclusively) and not for getting to and from work on a daily purpose.( This does not include trucks on the road who are delivering etc).

We need to use public transport of buses and trains to move the body more and also helps to free up the roads which in turn improves environmental health.

Food is not the culprit the way most people hear and see it to be. If food was the problem( which most point the finger at), then we would have had more people in past centuries overweight, but this is not the case. Because not all people are the same of course - some eat more and some eat less - even those with the same bodyweight. And please understand that there was an awful lot of junk food available in the second half of the 20th century, but people still stayed slim. Why? Because they moved frequently throughout the day which activates enzymes ( ie lipase) responsible to keep the body regulated and the body to remain at it's natural set point in respect to bodyweight. Obesity/ overweight people were rare in every other century other than the 21st century with the exception of only the very latter stages of the 20th century."

Do you think it is hard for people to lose weight, even a lot of weight?

" The process is incredibly easy once the mind is ready to be a human again with a sense of purpose, and to not be a part of the medical merry go round. When someone now decides that they are going to be in control of their life and not 'be controlled' by the media, advertising is very very easy. You become a new spiritual being.

The reason why nearly all people fail at weight loss attempts is because they have not chosen a life of being healthy. Choosing a life to be healthy is very different than just wanting to lose weight. Anyone can lose some weight, that's easy, on any weight loss fad. The easiest way is to become sick and bedridden...people lose weight. It's not healthy of course but you will lose weight because the body is shutting down, loses muscle etc. This is proof in itself that we are designed to move. So the key is wanting to not only lose weight but to also be healthy and functionally fit as well - not just to lose weight."


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